Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today is day TWO of adventures in homeschooling. We have made some progress and today will offer a full agenda of school work for my 10th grader. My challenge is to be relevant and help my son keep his attention centered on the work at hand.

If there would be anything I would like my son to achieve it would be... to take charge of his destiny. Everything else would be icing on the cake.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Travels...

I never know where the road may lead in a week's time. Last week is different from this week. Last week I merely repaired machines and this week not only do I repair machines but I've become a teacher.

Circumstances often necessitate change. Change often creates circumstances. It's a chicken and egg kind of relationship. This can often leave me wondering, How on earth did I get here? It's like this photo. How did they ever get those crosses on that little island? I know they used a boat end of story. Those crosses mean something. Some one started the practice of putting three crosses in deserted fields and hill sides and thought to include this little island. I have a fondness for the significance. I know these are representative of the three crosses on Golgotha. It's a reminder to all that something extremely significant happened and we should reflect on our eternal place beyond this universe. I think about how my reflection would look from the vantage point of the crosses. I worked hard to capture the right light and compose the shot. I know the creator composed all of it, I merely record it with my crude instruments. Even so, I know I'm observed even if I'm some small imperceptible dot in the forgotten regions of my galaxy. How did I get here? I drove my car here. But even that act was predicated on other events. I just need to understand that, I'm always... here. Here ... constantly changes and so do I. Therefore I will reflect the ever changing scenery of my surroundings and of my heart.

Where will I end up next week? Here, but it will be different than this week.